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Out of the Blue

Italian book blogger. Loves Jane Austen, ice cream, and the colour blue.
Tessa in Love - Kate le Vann 'Love is the last thing we need right now, Tessa,’ Matty said.
As the credits rolled, we were both in a drippy, hopeless kind of state, having laughed at the cheesiness of the movie for as long as we could, and then fallen for it anyway. As usual.
‘But why?’ I said loudly, sounding a bit like I was going to burst into song. ‘I want it. And you’re in love anyway. Lee is perfect for you and he’s not going to die in a sword fight.’
‘No, but…’
‘He’s seriously cute.’
‘Well, yeah, but…’

I picked up the Italian translation of Tessa in Love by Kate Le Vann from the library. It's a sweet love story between Tessa and Wolfie.

Tessa has always been 'the quiet one', while her best friend, Matty, is outgoing and constantly has boys flocking around her. But when Tessa falls in love for the first time at sixteen, everything changes. She finds a soulmate in Wolfie, a committed green activist, and grows more confident and outspoken every day. She also begins to look at the world differently… everything seems better with Wolfie at her side.

Tessa and Wolfie's romance is sweet, but sad - this is NOT a book with a happy ending, although the covers make it look like a frivolous YA novel. It's actually sweet, sad, and full of feeling. I'm glad I picked up this book, even though the ending made me very sad.